Important E-mail Phishing Notice

Important E-mail Phishing Notice

9/15/2023 7:28pm As a follow-up to our emailed notice of a possible email breach sent earlier today, we want to assure everyone that we have investigated the manner of the incident and any potential damage. Immediately upon notice of a possible incident, Case limited...
Update to Transaction Reversal Fraud at ATMs

Update to Transaction Reversal Fraud at ATMs

Case Financial is closely monitoring updates on the Transaction Reversal Fraud (TRF) in the United States. NCR recently issued an important update and response on how to mitigate these attacks. Their full release is below. In these TRF attacks, the criminal uses a...
Activate Enterprise NextGen is now available

Activate Enterprise NextGen is now available

Case Financial is pleased to announce that NCR’s Activate Enterprise NextGen is now available! This software provides a single digital first platform for ATM and ITM capability, delivering the widest range of transactions and services and supporting the very latest...